IPv6 地理數據

13 年 2022 月 8 日下午 38:XNUMX

有許多不同的方法可以將屬性與對象關聯起來 地址和許多可以應用的不同屬性。 還有幾種不同的方法可以實現這一點 . This document will focus on attributes that fall into three categories: Identity, Service, and Location. Identity can include a user's name, the upstream service provider, an enterprise network, university, or department. Services can include attributes such as a W-Fi network, cable, wireless, infrastructure, and enterprise. Finally, location attributes can identify city, state, zip codes, country, region, or geocodes. A collection of attributes would form objects with their associated values, and these objects can be related to an individual IP address or a range of addresses to create an IP addressing object. These IP address objects can also be tied to an IP address object in a child relationship to provide as much detail as desired by the source. This document provides a JSON object model and schema to represent how those attributes can be tied to an IP address in a common for controlling the access to streaming 使用地理位置數據進行 IPv4 和 IPv6 尋址。

注意:訪問控制、隱私和特權信息 (PII) 的管理不會在此處定義,將留給其他工作。




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